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Web, Desktop, Mobile

Data Security Application

Data security

The client is a company specializing in IT security. It aimed at creating a secure mobile app connected to a desktop app via Bluetooth. The app has a mission to store & organize your passwords securely without relying on the cloud. Only the device owner can access his passwords and manage them with ease.

Our task was to create a desktop application from scratch, synchronizing it with a mobile app. We also had to develop custom browser extensions for instant password storage.

What we did

Software features: 

Password manager

It is an intuitive control panel that allows you to manage your passwords, add the new ones, or delete the others. Users also can search their passwords by keywords, attach notes, and website details. You can control user access via a simple dashboard.

Biometric authentication

Thanks to the TouchID feature, only the device owner can access passwords.
The company decided to replace Palm Print authentication with TouchID, which is native to smartphones. ByteAnt team implemented this idea.

Desktop & mobile apps

ByteAnt team created a customized interface and simplified business logic for a Windows app. The interface is available in both light and dark themes. Store your passwords and access from mobile at any time. A mobile app is a master manager where all the passwords are stored. 

Browser extensions

We developed browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge browsers. Once added to the web panel, they let users easily store new passwords without leaving a web page. All the data synchronizes with the app via Bluetooth.

The Results

By taking on responsibility for large chunks of work, ByteAnt helped to deliver a user-friendly software solution from zero. TouchID feature keeps authentication secure, and the mobile app runs both on Android and iOS devices, serving as a robust database of all passwords. The project is still in progress, with further upgrades coming up.

Technologies used

  • C++
  • Xamarin
  • C#
  • Kotlin
  • Swift
  • JS for browser extensions

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