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Web, Marketplace

Website enhancement for an event agency


The client company is a UK-national franchise that organizes local offline events for elderly citizens. They needed to enhance their existing website for event booking and scheduling.

When the client turned to us, they had an online portal with outdated UI & UX and limited functionality. They had the backend ready, but couldn’t edit the published content and properly manage bookings.

What we did

The ByteAnt team provided the lacking expertise with Umbraco CMS and front-end development to enhance their solution for online bookings.

Advanced search

We developed the front-end for the advanced search feature. Via the online portal, users can find the events matching multiple filter criteria, such as a specific place, date, or leisure activities.

Quick search

We added a quick search feature for enhanced user experience. Via a separate tab, users can find events nearby the same day or within the next seven days. They can also see the calendar of upcoming sport & fitness events, holidays, or social days out.

Membership page

Via the online portal, users can join a membership plan via a user-friendly signup form. By filling in several fields, they automatically become community members and can attend several events for free. There is a free membership trial, a single or a joint paid monthly plans.

We integrated the software with the company’s corporate back-end so that the employees can view all users’ data directly via their solution. We help to integrate APIs for smooth data transfer.

FAQ section & content pages

We also added several content pages to the online portal to answer user questions and improve the overall experience. The website has an intuitive UI design and is enjoyable to use.

The Results

The customer got an enhanced website version with a smooth back-end integration with their software. Thanks to the ByteAnt expertise with Umbraco, the company can manage all users and content hassle-free. At the current stage, the company plans to remake promotion, and the cooperation is still ongoing.

Technologies used

  • Umbraco CMS
  • Angular.js
  • .Net
  • AWS Cloud

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